If you experience any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. You can report the side effects of the medicines by filling out the form below or calling a 24/7 mobile phone number +37061566662.
You can also report the side effects to the State Medicines Control Agency under the free phone number of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania 8 800 735 68 or fill out the form on the website www.vvkt.lt and submit it to the State Medicines Control Agency under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania in one of the following ways: in writing (address: Žirmūnų str. 139A, LT-09120 Vilnius), free fax 8 800 20131, by email nepageidaujamar@vvkt.lt, via the website (address: http://www.vvkt.lt). By reporting any side effects, you can help us gather more information about the safety of this medicine.
According to the legal acts in force in the Republic of Lithuania, UAB Viasana must collect information about the suspected adverse reactions to its products. Therefore, we ask you to provide the specified data.
* marked fields are required.